The White House expresses disapproval of the comments made by the chairwoman of the RNC regarding Israel.

The White House criticized Ronna McDaniel, Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, for referring to the terror attacks in Israel as a favorable chance for Republican candidates to demonstrate their backing for Israel.

Deputy press secretary Andrew Bates stated that several terrorist attacks against Israel have resulted in the deaths of at least nine Americans and hundreds of other innocent individuals. He expressed his concern over the loss of life and pain caused by these attacks, contrasting it with the perspective of Ronna McDaniel, who apparently sees it as a ‘great opportunity’. However, Bates emphasized that the majority of Americans view these events as a terrible tragedy.

“I cannot reword”

On “Fox News Sunday,” Ms. McDaniel was questioned about Republican presidential candidates attributing the violent conflict between Israel and Hamas to President Biden’s foreign policy and showing solidarity with Israel.

“She stated that this presents a valuable chance for our candidates to compare the consistent support Republicans have shown towards Israel with Joe Biden’s perceived weakness.”

The RNC claimed that the White House distorted Ms. McDaniel’s statement for political gain.

In a statement on Monday, RNC Spokesperson Emma Vaughn expressed that the RNC and Chairman McDaniel have consistently supported Israel and its people, condemning the attacks promptly. Vaughn finds it reprehensible that the media is distorting Chairman McDaniel’s words and offering protection to Democrats who have continuously challenged Israel’s right to exist.