Biden condemns Hamas’ assaults as ‘completely wicked’ and asserts that Israel should respond.

President Biden criticized the “pure evil” of Hamas’ acts of terrorism against Israel and pledged to provide additional ammunition to the Israeli military. He also promised to strengthen the United States’ defense forces in the area and enhance security measures around Jewish establishments within the country.

During a speech at the White House, Mr. Biden stated that a minimum of 14 individuals who are U.S. citizens lost their lives in the assaults. Additionally, he mentioned that there is an undisclosed number of Americans currently being held captive by Hamas in Gaza.

“I cannot reword”

The president announced his intention to seek additional “urgent” assistance from Congress to support “our allies,” which seems to include both Israel and Ukraine. Currently, Congress is discussing the administration’s proposal for providing tens of billions more in aid to Ukraine for its conflict against Russian forces.

Congressional Republicans are pressuring Mr. Biden to reconsider his choice of releasing $6 billion in funds for Iran, which has become a significant concern for the GOP. It is worth noting that Hamas receives support from Iran.

Mr. Biden compared the atrocities committed by Hamas to “the worst rampages of ISIS.”

The president stated that this is an act of terrorism and emphasized the need for clarity. He expressed solidarity with Israel and firmly stated that there is no valid reason to justify terrorism.