According to a French agency, the iPhone 12 releases an excessive amount of radiation, and Apple should remove it from the market.

The French government watchdog has instructed Apple to remove the iPhone 12 from the market in France due to its excessive emission of electromagnetic radiation.

The National Frequency Agency has issued a statement on Tuesday, urging Apple to promptly address the malfunction in their phones that could potentially affect radio-electric frequencies and public exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

The French regulator’s statement states that the agency will monitor corrective updates for the iPhone 12. If these updates fail to resolve the issues, Apple may be required to recall the phones that have already been sold.

Apple contested the conclusions and stated that the device adheres to all radiation regulations.

The agency, which is known by the French acronym ANFR, said it recently checked 141 cellphones, including the iPhone 12, for electromagnetic waves capable of being absorbed by the body.

During the tests conducted on a phone held in hand or placed in a pocket, it was discovered that the level of electromagnetic energy absorption was 5.74 watts per kilogram. This exceeds the European Union standard of 4 watts per kilogram.

The agency confirmed that the iPhone 12 complied with the required standards for radiation levels when evaluating a phone placed inside a jacket or bag.

Apple announced that the iPhone 12, launched towards the end of 2020, has obtained certifications from various global organizations and adheres to all relevant regulations and standards concerning radiation worldwide.

The American technology company stated that it has furnished the French agency with numerous laboratory findings conducted by both the company itself and independent laboratories, which demonstrate the phone’s adherence to regulations.

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