According to a report from the U.N. nuclear watchdog obtained by AP, Iran has reduced the pace of its enrichment of uranium close to weapons-grade.

The Associated Press has obtained a report from the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog stating that Iran has decreased the pace of its uranium enrichment, which was approaching levels suitable for weapons.

The confidential report comes as Iran and the United States are negotiating a prisoner swap and the release of billions of dollars in Iranian assets frozen in South Korea. Slowing its enrichment of uranium could serve as another sign that Tehran seeks to lower tensions between it and America after years of tensions since the collapse of its 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.

The International Atomic Energy Agency’s report stated that Iran currently possesses 121.6 kilograms (268 pounds) of uranium that has been enriched up to 60%. This represents a slower rate of growth compared to previous assessments. In May, the IAEA reported a stockpile of 60% enriched uranium slightly above 114 kilograms (250 pounds), while in February, it stood at 87.5 kilograms (192 pounds).

Uranium enriched at 60% purity is just a short, technical step away from weapons-grade levels of 90%. Iran has maintained its program is peaceful, but the IAEA’s director-general has warned Tehran has enough enriched uranium for “several” nuclear bombs if it chooses to build them.

Iran likely would still need months to build a weapon. U.S. intelligence agencies said in March that Tehran “is not currently undertaking the key nuclear weapons-development activities that would be necessary to produce a testable nuclear device.”

Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal limited Tehran’s uranium stockpile to 300 kilograms (661 pounds) and enrichment to 3.67% – enough to fuel a nuclear power plant. The U.S. unilateral withdrawal from the accord in 2018 set in motion a series of attacks and escalations by Tehran over its program.

Iran has been creating uranium with a purity level of 60%, which nonproliferation experts claim has no civilian application. Iran argues that its program is intended for peaceful intentions. The IAEA, along with the West and other nations, assert that Iran had a covert military nuclear program that was discontinued in 2003.


This report was contributed to by Jon Gambrell, a writer from the Associated Press, based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

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