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01_Case Records of the Mayo Clinic Florida (11-5-2021)
On 11-5-2021, the Case Records of the Mayo Clinic Florida Neurosurgery presented the first clinical case…
Mayo Clinic Minute: Hand, foot and mouth disease in kids
Rashes. They are common in young kids, especially babies. Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse says, while highly contagious,…
Mayo Clinic Minute: Benefits of blueberries
Blueberries might be the best example of how good things come in small packages. Dietitian Anya Miller says that…
Green Berets – Tim Reynolds & Kevin Rasband share more than friendship.
Green Berets – Tim Reynolds & Kevin Rasband share more than friendship.
As fellow Green Berets in the…
The Two Minute Article Cardiovascular Surgery Series – Commentary: Seal the…
In this video, Juan Crestanello, MD, Department Chair of Cardiovascular Surgery in Rochester, MN, continues to…
Why join the Mayo Clinic respiratory care team?
Discover a life-changing career at Mayo Clinic. To learn more, visit
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Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Cancer rehabilitation
Cancer rehabilitation is available before, during and after cancer treatment. It helps people with cancer…
Is stomach cancer hereditary? Ask Mayo Clinic
Mohamad (Bassam) Sonbol, M.D., an oncologist at Mayo Clinic, answers the important questions you may have about…
At-Home Testing for Covid
Experts have long been calling for quicker, cheaper, and more accessible ways of testing for Covid-19. Though…
How Safe is Air Travel during a Pandemic?
Thanks to the pandemic, air travel is drastically reduced compared to this time last year. People are wondering…