DeSantis claims that the Republican Party will face certain failure if the focus of the election revolves solely around Trump.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is cautioning Republicans that if the 2024 election becomes solely focused on former President Donald Trump, they will face defeat.

Mr. DeSantis suggests another option: Select him as a candidate to compete against President Biden.

“I believe that if a referendum were held on Joe Biden, our chances of winning would be high if I am the candidate,” stated Mr. DeSantis during an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Tuesday. “However, if the referendum were focused on Donald Trump, I believe the Democrats would emerge victorious.”

Mr. DeSantis has been arguing for months that he’s the most electable Republican and is pairing that with a sharper warning that Mr. Trump‘s popularity with the primary electorate does not extend to the general populace.

“I cannot reword”

The message has not yet made a significant impact on the polls.

However, Mr. DeSantis believes that the warnings will have a lasting impact on voters, especially for the upcoming Jan. 15 events in Iowa, where he and his supporters are dedicating significant time and resources.

Mr. DeSantis suggests that Republicans should have taken note of the past three election cycles, during which voters expressed their disapproval of Mr. Trump and his supporters.

Mr. DeSantis has contrasted that with the success the GOP has had on his watch in Florida, where he led the party to big wins in the 2022 midterm elections.

Mr. DeSantis suggested that Republicans should provide the desired “fresh start” that voters have been longing for.