Ex-FBI Director Comey says Biden is only 2024 candidate ‘committed to the rule of law’

Former FBI Director James B. Comey said Sunday that President Biden is the only serious candidate voters should consider ahead of the 2024 elections.

Mr. Comey told NBC’s Jen Psaki during an interview that when it comes to 2024, “It has to be Joe Biden.”

“It has to be somebody committed to the rule of law, committed to the values of this country,” Mr. Comey said. “I’m not talking about policy. … The president must be someone who abides the law and our Constitution. And there’s no one else but Joe Biden.”

Mr. Comey, a one-time Republican, also warned against former President Donald Trump’s return to the White House. The ex-FBI chief said Mr. Trump would likely embark on four years of “retribution” if entrusted with the Oval Office once more.

“He could order the prosecution of individuals who he sees as enemies. I’m sure I’m on the enemies list,” Mr. Comey said. “Because the president constitutionally does oversee the executive branch entirely, which includes the Department of Justice, prosecutors and investigators.”

Mr. Trump fired Mr. Comey in 2017 while he was leading the FBI’s probe into allegations that Russia conspired to help elect Mr. Trump.

A four-year review of the FBI’s handling of the probe by special counsel John Durham recently concluded that the bureau ignored guidelines, failed to consider information that countered allegations that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia and failed to show objectivity.

Mr. Durham found that FBI agents were so eager to pursue Mr. Trump they championed “seriously flawed information” and abandoned their “own principles regarding objectivity and integrity.”

Mr. Comey for his part is still pushing the notion of Russian collusion. He told NBC that Russian interference in the 2024 election could be expected to benefit Mr. Trump’s comeback bid.

“[Russian President] Vladimir Putin does not want Joe Biden to be president of the United States for reasons that I hope the American people see because he acts in our national interests,” Mr. Comey said. “He would very much like Donald Trump to be president again … and so they will find ways to interfere.”