Hogan states that he is still considering running for president in 2024.

Larry Hogan, the former governor of Maryland, has not yet dismissed the possibility of running for president as an independent candidate.

“I am still trying to determine how I can be of assistance, but I am not giving up,” stated Mr. Hogan, a Republican, in his conversation with Bloomberg.

“I am not interested in participating in a race half-heartedly,” he stated. “If I believed there was a viable way to succeed and emerge as the winner, I made it clear that I would not dismiss that opportunity.”

Mr. Hogan previously aired the possibility that he would run with the bipartisan political group No Labels in September after he declined to be on the ballot as a Republican. Mr. Hogan serves as the national co-chairman of No Labels, which is pushing for a third-party presidential candidate.

The group requested that Democrats refrain from obstructing their efforts to secure a third-party candidate. President Biden acknowledged their “democratic right” to do so but cautioned that it could benefit the opposing candidate.

In September, Mr. Hogan stated that if he becomes the GOP candidate, a third-party campaign would not diminish the votes for Mr. Biden and former President Donald Trump.

“I cannot reword.”

In the recent Bloomberg interview, he expressed his current main goal as restoring the Republican Party to its intended course following the internal conflicts that led to the removal of Rep. Kevin McCarthy, a California Republican, from his role as House speaker.