Israel’s tourism minister has made history by becoming the first cabinet official to openly travel to Saudi Arabia.

In a diplomatic breakthrough signaling a once-unthinkable warming of ties, the head of Israel’s tourism minister traveled to Saudi Arabia on Tuesday for a conference, marking the first open visit of an Israeli Cabinet official to the kingdom.

Tourism Minister Haim Katz’s two-day trip to Saudi Arabia will focus on tourism concerns as the industry continues to recover from the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. But the larger significance of the trip is that it accelerates an ongoing, U.S.-backed effort to normalize relations between Israel and the richest and most powerful of the Gulf Arab nations that have long refused to deal with the Jewish state.

According to the Jerusalem Post, Mr. Katz expressed that tourism serves as a connection between nations, having the ability to unite people and contribute to economic growth. He also mentioned his commitment to fostering partnerships that will enhance tourism and strengthen Israel’s international relations.

Washington has long urged Israel and Saudi Arabia — both crucial allies of the United States —to normalize relations, similar to other U.S.-brokered initiatives with the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, and Bahrain begun under the Trump administration.

Mr. Katz’s visit to Saudi Arabia came as Saudi Arabia’s first ambassador to the Palestinian Authority arrived in Ramallah to present his diplomatic credentials. Nayef al-Sudairi is considered a non-resident ambassador. He will remain in Jordan and visit the Palestinian Authority as needed, according to local media reports.

For approximately three decades, Saudi Arabia has not maintained diplomatic ties with the Palestinian Authority. Ambassador al-Sudairi emphasized that any diplomatic agreement with Israel would necessitate the creation of a Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem serving as its capital.

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the effective leader of Saudi Arabia, recently stated in an interview with Fox News that the oil-rich nation is making progress towards a potential agreement with Israel. However, he emphasized that Saudi Arabia will continue to support the establishment of a Palestinian state during ongoing negotiations.