Taiwan reveals its inaugural domestically constructed submarine, showcasing a remarkable technological accomplishment.

SEOUL, South Korea — Taiwan on Thursday officially unveiled its first domestically built submarine, showcasing both a potentially potent new weapon and the sophistication of the island’s military-industrial complex.
The Haikun, also known as the “Narwhal” in English, was unveiled at a shipyard ceremony in Kaohsiung, a city in southern Taiwan. Adorned with the Taiwanese flag on its bows, this vessel is the first of eight boats that have been ordered. It is scheduled to undergo sea trials in the following month and is expected to be delivered to the fleet by the end of 2024.
While the fledgling Taiwanese sub fleet cannot hope to halt a potential cross-Taiwan Straits invasion by Beijing, due to the channel’s unsuitability for underwater warfare, the force could present major problems for any potential Chinese naval blockade.
“In a social media post, Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen expressed that the production of our first submarine within the country marks a significant advancement in enhancing defense self-reliance and safeguarding our territorial waters.”
The apparent success of Taiwanese shipyard CSBC in overcoming engineering challenges — and delivering the sub two years ahead of earlier estimates — defies skeptics who thought Taiwan’s domestic defense industry was not up to the job. Various reports have suggested that Australia, Canada, India, Israel, Italy, Spain, the U.K. and the U.S. have all supplied technological or material help to Taiwan’s program.
According to reports from local media, Susan Oudkirk, the unofficial U.S. representative to Taiwan, was present at the submarine ceremony.
It is the second major defense program ordered by Ms. Tsai, whose ruling Democratic Party strongly leans toward independence from the mainland. The first, for indigenous jet trainer aircraft, is expected to be deployed in 2025.
China, which has increased its military aggression towards the island democracy in recent months, asserts that it is not impressed by the development of the submarine. The state-controlled Chinese news website, the Global Times, editorialized earlier this week, stating that Taiwan’s plan to deploy submarines to prevent the Chinese military from entering the Pacific Ocean is merely a daydream.
The newspaper claimed that China has already built a comprehensive anti-submarine network surrounding Taiwan.

A defense industry analyst, speaking anonymously, expressed optimism about the potential effectiveness of Taiwan’s new line of submarines.
“I have received feedback from foreign diplomats who have visited Taiwan’s naval facilities, stating that their expertise in constructing commercial ships is commendable,” the individual mentioned. “However, we currently lack information regarding the specific armaments equipped on these ships.”
The submarine program in Taiwan has sparked controversy due to its estimated cost of $16 billion.
“The cost for this is extremely high, and there is a ongoing discussion in Taiwan, as well as in other places, about whether it is more beneficial to obtain asymmetric capabilities,” stated the analyst. “However, it holds significance in terms of national pride: When the Taiwanese are determined, they can successfully accomplish it.”