The CEO in Denver, feeling frustrated, decides to deposit human waste from homeless individuals onto the steps of city hall.

DENVER — It turns out San Francisco isn’t the only Democrat-run city with a poop problem.

Independence Institute CEO Jon Caldara expressed his frustration with the issue of human waste outside his Denver office by symbolically leaving it on the front steps of the Denver City and County Building.

“I cannot reword”

He also urged the people of Denver to imitate him as a form of “civil disobedience.”

“Upon your next cleaning session, bring it over to this location,” suggested Mr. Caldara. “Consider dropping it off at city hall as a form of civil disobedience, urging them to acknowledge and resolve the issue.”

Denver, similar to other major cities, has experienced a significant increase in its homeless population in recent years. This can be attributed to the rising housing costs, inflation, the increased availability of recreational drugs, the decrease in police officers within the police departments, and the reduction of federal coronavirus pandemic aid.

In January, the Metro Denver Homeless Initiative conducted a one-day count and found that the homeless population in the seven-county Denver metro region had increased by 32% compared to the previous year. A total of 9,065 homeless individuals were recorded.

Denver Mayor Michael Johnston, who was elected in June, has made combating homelessness his top priority, declaring a state of emergency in July and announcing plans to build 1,400 housing units in 11 “micro-communities” supported by wrap-around services.

On Monday, Mr. Johnston announced that the city had taken action to close a homeless community and provide housing for its residents. He stated that this was the first instance of relocating individuals from an encampment into proper housing.

Mr. Johnston tweeted that our initial #MovingDay demonstrates that the most effective approach to tackling homelessness is by addressing the root cause rather than just treating the symptoms.

Mr. Caldara, a columnist and host of the Colorado Public Television current-events show “Devil’s Advocate,” disagreed with the tiny-house approach, saying that “this is not an affordable-housing crisis.”

“I cannot reword”

The Independence Institute, which operates within the free-market system, has been based in Denver for over a decade. However, the speaker expressed that the situation has significantly deteriorated in the past five years.

“He informed The Washington Times that following the George Floyd riots and lenient approaches towards homelessness…”

According to him, the security cameras at the institute capture individuals using their private property as a public restroom approximately two times per week. However, their attempts to contact the police and city officials have yielded minimal results.

Mr. Caldara stated that we are required to tidy up vomit, urine, syringes, used condoms, and feces.

Although his peaceful protest probably went against local regulations, he managed to avoid being arrested or issued a citation. However, the police did arrive later to conduct an investigation.

“I cannot reword.”