The intelligence agency of Seoul has stated that Russia has probably suggested North Korea to participate in joint military exercises with China.

According to a lawmaker who was present at a private briefing with the director of South Korea’s leading intelligence agency on Monday, it is probable that Russia has suggested involving North Korea in naval exercises alongside China.

The briefing came days after Russia’s Ambassador to North Korea, Alexander Matsegora, told Russian media that including North Korea in joint military drills between Russia and China “seems appropriate.” Matsegora added it was his own point of view and that he wasn’t aware of any preparations, according to Russia’s Tass news agency.

Lawmaker Yoo Sang-bum stated that South Korean National Intelligence Service Director Kim Kyou-hyun mentioned the likelihood of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu suggesting trilateral naval drills with North Korea and China during his meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in July.

Kim Jong Un extended an invitation to Shoigu to attend a significant military procession in Pyongyang during July. Alongside this, he expressed his commitment to enhancing military collaboration with Moscow. U.S. officials speculate that this could potentially include the provision of artillery and other ammunition from North Korea, as Russian President Vladimir Putin seeks support from various nations in his conflict with Ukraine. Recently, the White House announced that Kim and Putin corresponded through letters, indicating Moscow’s interest in acquiring additional munitions from Pyongyang.

In the midst of escalating nuclear tensions with Washington, Seoul, and Tokyo, Kim Jong Un is making efforts to enhance the prominence of his alliances with Moscow and Beijing. His goal is to overcome diplomatic isolation and unite with Pyongyang against the United States.

Diplomatic relations between Pyongyang and Washington have come to a halt since 2019 due to differences regarding the severe sanctions imposed by the U.S. on North Korea and the North’s insufficient progress in dismantling its nuclear weapons and missile program.

During the briefing, Kim Kyou-hyun, the service director, mentioned that recent testing activities by North Korea indicate a heavy dependence on tactical nuclear systems for its warplanes. The country aims to swiftly defeat the South in the event of a war, as its military is otherwise ill-prepared to handle a prolonged conflict. Lawmaker Yoo shared this information.

Kim has taken advantage of the global attention on Russia’s conflict with Ukraine to increase his displays of weaponry. These displays have involved over 100 missile launches since the beginning of 2022. Alongside these tests, Kim has made verbal threats of launching nuclear attacks against South Korea and other adversaries if North Korea feels its leadership is in danger.

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