The best shoulder workout can be found in our MAX/Shred program https://athleanx.com/max-shred

This womens shoulder workout contains some of the best shoulder exercises to help you develop strong streamlined shoulders. If you’re looking for the best shoulder workout that you can do in a very short amount of time, you’ve come to the right place. This is a 15 minute shoulder workout with dumbbell exercises only, so if you have dumbbells at home, it can even be done as an at home shoulder workout!

We begin this dumbbell shoulder workout at home with a warm up. You can do 15 reps of each of the shoulder exercises in the warm up section or just follow along with the instructor. Then we’ll move on to the main portion of the shoulder workout with dumbbells. Follow the instructor throughout each set to know how many sets and reps of these best shoulder exercises you’ll need to do.

Finally we’ll burn out the shoulders in the final exercise which is a shoulder press drop set. Again, follow along with the instructor during this home shoulder workout to see how many sets and reps you should do. If you are a beginner, you may need lighter dumbbells and to take a longer rest after the exercises. If you’re more advanced, choose a little heavier weight and try to keep up with the instructor’s pacing during this home shoulder workout.

Here are the exercises for shoulders that make up this dumbbell workout:


1) External Rotation
2) L Raises


1) Alternating Side Raise
2) Narrow Shoulder Press
3) Alternating Reverse Fly


1) Shoulder Press

For all the best dumbbell workouts and more, subscribe to our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/womensworkouts